AchievedVolume | | Actual sales for each product at a site which can be stored against the planned volumes for comparison. | float | 8 |
AchievedVolumePeriod | | Actual sales during a specified period of time for each product at a site. | float | 8 |
Active | | Defines if the product or competitor site is available for pricing. | bit | 1 |
AdditionalCostFormula | | Formula used to configure the cost that is added to the net DTW in order to make gross DTW. | nvarchar(max) | not null |
AllowOptimise | | Defines if the own site product should be considering during optimisation. | bit | 1 |
BaseCostFormula | | The formula used to configure the product cost for each product in a Dealer trade area. Base cost = Net DTW - Company margin. | nvarchar(max) | not null |
BreakEvenPercentage | | Used by the Break Even Percentage rule to validate if the site has made enough margin. Must be greater than 0. | int | 4 |
CardPriceDiscount | | discount associated to the competitor product when using the loyalty card. | money | 8 |
Created | | Time the record was created. | datetime | 8 |
CurrentCost | | The last cost input to the system either imported through the data channels or applied on the Product History page. | costprice | 9 |
CurrentCostEffectiveTime | | Time of last cost input to the system. | datetime | 8 |
CurrentDeliveryCost | | Most recent cost of product. | costprice | 9 |
CurrentDeliveryCostEffectiveTime | | Time at which most recent cost of product can be applied to margin and other calculations. | datetime | 8 |
CurrentMargin | | Standard margin calculation based on current price current cost and tax rate. | decimal | 17 |
CurrentPrice | | The latest calculated price based on either the Pump price or Last exported price depending on the Export type setting. | money | 8 |
CurrentPriceDiscount | | Discount amount applied to the own site product price. | money | 8 |
CurrentPriceEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of the current price | datetime | 8 |
CurrentPriceStartTime | | Start time of current pump price | datetime | 8 |
CurrentPumpPrice | | Last implemented price at fuel pump | money | 8 |
CurrentPumpPriceDiscount | | Value or Pump Price Discount | money | 8 |
CurrentPumpPriceEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of the current pump price | datetime | 8 |
CurrentPumpPriceOrigin | | The origin of the current pump price. | nvarchar | 100 |
CurrentPumpPriceSource | | Data Source that provided current pump price. | source | 40 |
CurrentSource | | Source of the latest own price for the product. | source | 40 |
DealerIndustryZoneMargin | | Required margin for proposed prices generated by the Industry Margin Check pricing rule at a Dealer Control Site. | money | 8 |
EndTime | | Defines the date/time that the product ceases to be active (this property is for information only). | datetime | 8 |
FixedCompanyMargin | | specified margin assigned to the company required on top of the current cost of the product. | decimal | 9 |
FixedDealerMargin | | specified margin assigned to the dealer site required on top of the current cost of the product. | decimal | 9 |
GlobalProductUID | Product | unique identifier that defines the global product entity that defines this product (sql string of numbers). | uniqueidentifier | 16 |
GPCMaxPriceDecrement | | Maximum of amount price is allowed to decrease during a general price change. | money | 8 |
GPCMaxPriceIncrement | | Maximum of amount price is allowed to increase during a general price change. | money | 8 |
HighPriceIncrease | | Validation limit used by the SFR Priority Adjustment to determine if a price increase for a product should send a site to SFR with high priority. | money | 8 |
InStock | | indicates whether or not there is currently any stock of the product. | bit | 1 |
LastProposedEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of the Last Proposed Price | datetime | 8 |
LastUpdated | | Time the record was last updated. | datetime | 8 |
ListPrice | | A list price is used by some pricing rules to determine a local price for each own product that can be referenced in pricing calculations. | money | 8 |
ListPriceChangeLimit | | The amount by which the proposed price is allowed to be higher or lower than the local List Price (In PN - own site, product, list price) | money | 8 |
ListPriceEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of the List Price | datetime | 8 |
ListPriceOffset | | The price offset from the price at the List Price Competitor (In PN - own site, product, list price) | money | 8 |
LocalReferencePriceOffset | | Stores the offset to be applied to the global reference price to create a local reference price for a product. | money | 8 |
MaintainSpread | | Used by the Maintain Grade Spreads price adjustment rule to determine whether or not to adjust the price of this product. | bit | 1 |
MarginAllocationMethodID | | Legacy setting determining whether margin is allocated by company fixed, dealer fixed or not set. | int | 4 |
MaxCost | | The maximum validation cost price used by the import; cost prices above this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be greater than MinCost. | costprice | 9 |
MaxCostBreakdown | | An import validation determining the maximum cost of a breakdown component of cost. | costprice | 9 |
MaxDailyPriceDecrement | | Used by the Enforce Price Limits rule to stipulate that maximum amount that a price can decrease in a single day. | money | 8 |
MaxDailyPriceIncrement | | Used by the Enforce Price Limits rule to stipulate that maximum amount that a price can increase in a single day. | money | 8 |
MaxDelivery | | maximum value for allowed delivered gallons. | int | 4 |
MaxPrice | | The maximum validation price used by the import; prices above this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be greater than MinPrice. | money | 8 |
MaxPriceDecrement | | The maximum validation price decrease used by the import; prices that move down by more than this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be greater than zero. | money | 8 |
MaxPriceIncrement | | The maximum validation price increase used by the import; prices that move up by more than this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be greater than zero. | money | 8 |
MaxSales | | The maximum sales value used by the import; prices above this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be greater than MinSales. | float | 8 |
MinCost | | The minimum validation cost price used by the import; cost prices below this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be less than MaxCost. | costprice | 9 |
MinCostBreakdown | | An import validation determining the minimum cost of a breakdown component of cost. | costprice | 9 |
MinDelivery | | minimum value for allowed delivered gallons. | int | 4 |
MinMargin | | Used by the Minimum Margin validation rule to validate the proposed margin against the minimum margin. | money | 8 |
MinPrice | | The minimum validation price used by the import; prices below this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be less than MaxPrice and greater than zero. | money | 8 |
MinSales | | The minimum sales value used by the import; prices below this value will be sent for review to the Error Browser. Must be less than MaxSales and greater than zero. | float | 8 |
NumberOfHoses | | Defines the number of pumps for this product at a own site. Must be greater than zero. | smallint | 2 |
OwnProductID | | ID of the own product. | int | 4 |
OwnProductUID | | Unique ID of the own product. | uniqueidentifier | 16 |
PGMaxPrice | | Used as the default value when creating own products. Must be greater than PGMinPrice. | money | 8 |
PGMaxPriceDecrement | | During price generation process this is the maximum price amount of decrease allowed. | money | 8 |
PGMaxPriceIncrement | | During price generation process this is the maximum price amount of increase allowed. | money | 8 |
PGMinPrice | | Minimum price allowed during price generation. | money | 8 |
PreviousChangedCost | | Specifies cost prior to current implemented cost. | costprice | 9 |
PreviousChangedCostEffectiveTime | | Time stamp of previous cost price | datetime | 8 |
PreviousChangedPumpPrice | | Specifies changed pump price prior to current implemented price. | money | 8 |
PreviousChangedPumpPriceEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of the previous changed pump price | datetime | 8 |
PreviousPrice | | Previous own price for the product where the price is different from the current price. | money | 8 |
PreviousPriceEffectiveTime | | Timestamp of Previous Effective Time | datetime | 8 |
PricePointSetUID | PricePointSet | unique identifier that defines the price point set entity that is used to determine which values the product prices can end with. | uniqueidentifier | 16 |
ReverseAdditionalCostFormula | | The formula applied to Net DTW to calculate a notional street price | nvarchar(max) | 2000 |
RollingRunningRate | | A calculation based on achieved volume (or margin) against planned volume (or margin) over a planning period. | int | 4 |
Site | | Unique identifier for the own site linked to the product. | uniqueidentifier | 16 |
SOEInclude | | Flag to determine whether the product is included in the control of prices that are proposed during a state of emergency. | bit | 1 |
SOEMargin | | The amount of margin that is included in the control of prices that are proposed during a state of emergency. | money | 8 |
SOEMarginEffectiveTime | | The time at which the margin is active in the control of prices that are proposed during a state of emergency. | datetime | 8 |
SOEMaxPrice | | Maximum price allowed during state of emergency. | money | 8 |
SOEMaxPriceEffectiveTime | | Time at which maximum price allowed for state of emergency goes into effect. | datetime | 8 |
StartTime | | Defines the date/time that the product is active (this property is for information only). | datetime | 8 |
SupplierName | | Name of supplier. | nvarchar | 80 |
Tactic | | Stores the tactic value for each product this is either 'E+1.999' (where 1.999 is the last proposed price) or either 'P' or 'S' followed by a price offset value. | varchar | 12 |
TaxRate | | This value defines the local tax rate that is applied to the product to determine margin. Must be greater than zero. | decimal | 5 |
TaxRateEffectiveTime | | The read-only field shows the date and time (in hh:mm 24-hour format) at which the retail tax rate is scheduled to change. | datetime | 9 |
TimeWeightedCost | | An overnight calculated value based on the average (weighted) cost over the time period set at the own site. | costprice | 9 |
TimeWeightedCostCalculated | | The date and time the TimeWeightedCost was last calculated. | datetime | 8 |
TVAAdjustment | | positive or negative number to represent the TVA adjustment applied by the Dealer Price rule to calculate the contract price for Dealer Sites. | decimal | 9 |
Volatility | | behavioral changes to price and cost for each product such as the number of updates and the amount by which prices have increased or decreased within a set period. | nvarchar | 40 |
VolatilityCostChangeCountFrom | | Specify the lowest number of cost price changes to determine the 'normal' price range. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityCostChangeCountTo | | Specify the highest number of cost price changes to determine the 'normal' price range. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityCostChangeValueFrom | | the lowest amount of cost price change value to determine the 'normal' range. | money | 8 |
VolatilityCostChangeValueTo | | the highest amount of cost price change value to determine the 'normal' range. | money | 8 |
VolatilityCostChangeWithinLastXDays | | Specify the number of days over which the system analyses updates to the cost price. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityCostEnabled | | Enable/disable the cost price volatility. | bit | 1 |
VolatilityPriceChangeCountFrom | | Specify the lowest number of own price changes to determine the 'normal' price range. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityPriceChangeCountTo | | Specify the highest number of own price changes to determine the 'normal' price range. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityPriceChangeValueFrom | | Specify the lowest amount of own price change value to determine the 'normal' range. | costprice | 9 |
VolatilityPriceChangeValueTo | | Specify the highest amount of own price change value to determine the 'normal' range. | costprice | 9 |
VolatilityPriceChangeWithinLastXHours | | Specify the number of hours over which the system analyses updates to the own price. | smallint | 2 |
VolatilityPriceEnabled | | Enable/disable the volatility for each Own Product on the Pricing page. | bit | 1 |
ZOffset | | The maximum increase that can occur in a State Of Emergency (a rule property that was set in the own site, product, state of emergency tab in PN) | money | 8 |
ZOffsetEffectiveTime | | Date and time from which the Zoffset is effective. | datetime | 8 |