Organisation of Data in the API
The Kalibrate Data API provides a set of RESTful web service endpoints to retrieve, create and update and import pricing and reference data. It includes a simple but powerful query language that allows for the filtering and sorting of data, and allows the caller to specify retrieval of a subset of attributes.
Document Database
The Data API uses Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB as its underlying data store. Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service that provides enormous capacity, scalability and resilience.
Cosmos DB stores documents in collections. Documents within a single collection can readily use different models. The only constraint is ensuring that each document within a collection contains an identifier unique to that collection
The Data API exposes a RESTful web service API that allows the retrieval of data using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents as results of queries that are submitted to the API.
The API exposes Endpoints that correlate to collections of “logically”-related data (Entities) which are grouped together for convenience.
Collections are heterogenous, in that we store multiple different document formats that represent the different discrete types (Variants) of documents within a Collection.
For example, the “Price” collection contains Price Entities of 13 different Variants all logically grouped together so that Entities of different Variants can be retrieved in single query (eg. “Competitor” and “Own" prices).
Name | Description |
Price | Own, Competitor, Proposed, Cost, Dealer etc. prices |
Price Request | All entities related to a Price Request |
Product | Global, Own and Competitor product data |
ProductGroup | Product Group data |
Reference | All Reference and associational data |
Site | Own Site, Competitor Site and Own Site Competitor data |
Survey History | All entities related to Survey History |
Volume | Sales, Plan, Forecast, Projected etc. Volumes |
Every document stored within the database, regardless of the collection it belongs to, it's type, or variant, consists of two "blocks" of information.
The ID block which contains meta-data about the specific document, and The Data block which contains the actual attributes of the entity
The ID block contains the same list of attributes, regardless of the collection or entity. The ID attributes are:
Property name | Description |
entityId | The universally unique identifier (UID) for this Entity |
entityVersion | The specific version of the Entity in the database |
tenantId | The identifier of the tenant (customer) that the data belongs to. Data can only be retrieved from authorized tenants, and this is enforced in the authorization layer. |
collection | The Collection to which the Entity belongs |
entityType | The general type of the Entity within the Collection. Collections can support multiple general Entity types (eg. “Price”) |
entityVariant | The specific Variant of the Entity type within a Collection (eg. “Own”). |
entityOrigin | Where the Entity data originated from (eg. “import”, “bulk upload”, “user action”) |
createdOn | The date that this version of the Entity was created |
updatedOn | The date that the Entity version was updated |
The Data block is different for each entity variant within a collection.
For a complete list of entities click here
The developer swagger documentation for the Sandpit Environment
Embedded Documents
Each data block will generally consist of an array of simple JSON attributes and values. e.g:
"name":"Own Site #0001"
The Data API does however support nested entities, a.k.a Embedded Documents, for example:
Embedded documents or nested entities, can be referred to in filter requests just as root attributes can, for example:
Document References
Kalibrate makes use of this feature when resolving the Kalibrate Pricing relation database model to the Collection and Document oriented model of the API.
We use a standard embedded reference format for every relational item that belongs to an entity. This standard format is:
"<embedded attribute name>": {
"entityId": <globally unique identifier of the child/embedded document>
"reference": <path to the item in the API>,
"body": <this is reserved for future iterations of the API and will be empty>
An example of a populated embedded document might be:
"priceRequest": {
"entityId": "5ed55abe-ae97-49fa-b205-06e4e680b9a1",
"reference": "/priceRequest/5ed55abe-ae97-49fa-b205-06e4e680b9a1",
"body": {}